Snax’s short movie, GET YOUR QUEER THEORY ON, is now available for viewing in it’s entirety on You Tube. Snax directed the piece in 2009 and the film was shown at the Mix Festival-Mexico City, Kurzfilmfunk-Berlin and the Stop Worrying About Gay People exhibition at Basso-Berlin.
Two queer-identified musicians, both played by Snax, reflect on “the scene.” One is a vapid, naive optimist, the other a jaded, chain-smoking cynic. Through mock interviews, both relate anecdotes about themselves and their place in their chosen city and field. Names, dates and places are never specified and are, in fact, irrelevant. Rather, the piece makes a statement about the artist’s desire to belong and the expectations attached to finding the right environment to grow and express oneself in. Gay artists, traditionally, have often had to leave their home and search for that “special place,” sometimes with disappointing results.
Music by Fagbash, Snax’s band in San Francisco 1993-95.